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Explorers Tech Scholarship Program

Working To Make The Community Better

This scholarship program supports the creation of the next generation of development talent.  The Explorers Tech Scholarship awards 2 students, aged 12-18 who want to learn how to code. One student will receive a computer and both students will receive a 1 year scholarships to Team Treehouse a platform that allows you to learn from over 1000 videos created by expert teachers on web design, coding, business, and much more. Their library is continually refreshed with the latest on web technology so our explorers will never fall behind.

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The award honors the Great Grandmother Elise Johnson and Grandfather Oliver Beckham to our founder, Jeffery Beckham Jr. They were pillars of his family and helped in his educational endeavors.

A portion of the proceeds funding this award was provided by Monica Swope and LEARNtheBrand Impact Apparel’s, Collection I’ s Learning Change Agent Award that Jeffery Beckham won in 2016. Thank You Monica and Learning Dimensions for all you do.

Requirements (Each Applicant Must) :

  • Be Age 12-18
  • Must complete 100 Team Treehouse Points Per Month (This will be tracked)
  • 2.0/4.0 GPA Minimum
  • Be a United States Citizen
  • Resident of Illinois
  • Submit a 500 word essay on, “Why you want to learn to code and what are you plans with the knowledge?”

All applications must be accompanied by the following documentation:

  • 1 letter of recommendation